Xiaomi today launched its selfie-centric smartphones, the Redmi Y1 and Redmi Y1 Lite, in India. As promised, Xiaomi also announced the rollout of MIUI 9 in India. On November 3, the stable version of MIUI 9 will be rolled out for the first batch of devices which include the Redmi Note 4 and Mi Max 2.
Starting mid-November, the second batch of devices will receive stable MIUI 9. These include the Mi MIX 2, Redmi Y1, Redmi Y1 Lite, Redmi 4X, Mi 5, and the Mi Max. The remaining Xiaomi devices in India will receive the stable version of MIUI 9 by early December.
As for features on the MIUI 9, Xiaomi has introduced a new Gallery app, which comes loaded with new image editing options. To start with there will be four different subject based effect options – Auto, Food, Landscape, and Portrait. There are seven different crop options along with rotate and mirror editing options.
The new gallery app also has 12 new categories of sticker packs to choose from, five different doodle options and seven different styles of text boxes. You can also adjust brightness, sharpness, contrast, saturation and vignette. There are also 11 new mosaic tiles, different filters, styles and layouts. You also have a new eraser tool for editing the images.
Xiaomi had announced MIUI 9 back in July, and it brings some notable improvements. MIUI 9 brings split-screen feature which allows you to run two apps side-by-side. It also has universal search for images based on keywords like location, expression, and documents among others. Xiaomi has also integrated an AI Assistant on MIUI 9, which it says is smart enough to ‘find anything and everything’. MIUI 9 also has app suggestions based on on-screen content. For example, MIUI 9 will suggest Google Maps if you’re chatting about locations.
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