Its just the second week since Apple‘s Rs 89,000 smartphone, the iPhone X has gone on sale and it is already facing some strange problems. Some iPhone X owners are reportedly seeing a distracting green line developing spontaneously on the handset’s Super Retina display OLED display, indicating that there might possibly be a hardware issue.
According to a MacRumors report, the green line problem did not go away even after the users tried to reboot the device. Frustrating iPhone X owners took to Twitter, Apple Support Communities, Facebook and Reddit to share photos of the issue. The flaw has even been dubbed the “green line of death”. “Apple also appears to be collecting data from the incidents so that its engineers can investigate the matter, as it routinely does with any potential hardware or software issues,” the publication notes.
Well, from what Apple’s support page suggests, 35 users claimed that they were experiencing the green line issue. According to TechCrunch, the issue might be caused by an electrical flaw that messes with the way the phone displays pixels. The report further compared the issue to last year’s Samsung Galaxy S7 that reportedly faced a similar pink line damage on the screen. 
You can check out a few tweets from Twitter users below.
Apple sure seems to be aware of the issue considering some of the company officials have been interacting with the iPhone X owners on Twitter and their forum. Right now Apple hasn’t offered any solutions for the issue, but looks like it will soon. One of the iPhone X users said that Apple replaced his phone for free at an Apple Store, which surely tells us that the ‘Green line of death’ is definitely a problem that cannot be fixed with a software update.
Just recently, iPhone X users also reported that they were facing unresponsive display in the cold weather conditions. However, Apple is reportedly planning a software update to fix the issue. The tech giant has by far released many updates for iOS 11, including iOS 11.1. The company has, however, not specified an exact time for the next update that might fix the issue. The iPhone X is the most expensive iPhone so far, with the 64GB base variant priced at Rs 89,000. The 256GB variant will set you back by a whopping Rs 102,000.