WhatsApp is the one-stop destination for our daily chatter. From work to friends, friends of friends, family, and now businesses, we’re all on WhatsApp. Although it gets annoying at times, WhatsApp Groups are the most convenient and flawless way of sending out any information. However, there’s an official limit of 256 users for each WhatsApp Group. Turns out, there’s a quick way of circumventing that limit.
There are families, and then, there are extended families. If you are aware of the latter category, you would know how difficult it is to keep a track of multiple groups just because one couldn’t fit them all! But, did you know there was a little trick you could do to go beyond the permissible limit and cram more users in a single group?
Earlier, the only way to add members was to individually choose them from the list. With the share link, WhatsApp made it possible for users to invite users to join their group through a link. A group admin can use the ‘Invite to Group via Link’ to add more members. The link also allows members to share invites on other public platforms. The trick is hidden right inside this shortcut to add participants. 
Using the share link, it is possible for you to add members more than the limit of 256 users. To check if the feature actually works, we used a group with exact 256 members as a case and then tried to add more participant using the share link.
As you can see in the screenshots below, by using the simple ‘Add Participant’ feature, an error message popped saying maximum group capacity reached. However, when we used the share link to add a user, the group member count increased to 257. 
You can also try this little hack and tell us how many friends you were able to add to your WhatsApp group. Thanks for the tip, Raxit Sheth.