Xiaomi has added yet another feather to its cap. The company has now announced that it has sold one million smartphones in just 48 hours in the ongoing festive sale. Further, the company says that they managed to sell more than 300 smartphones every minute in the past two days of the sale.
Comparing it to last year’s sale, Xiaomi says that it has seen a significant increase from last year’s festive sale. To recap, last year Xiaomi sold more than one million smartphones in 18 days. Apart from that, Xiaomi has also announced that eight of the top nine selling smartphones at Amazon was a Xiaomi product.
Similarly, the Redmi Note 4 was the highest selling smartphone during Flipkart’s Big Billion Day Sale, contributing significantly to the overall sales number. The Flipkart’s Big Billion Day Sale that began on September 21 saw a total sale of more than 1.3 million smartphones in about 20 hours.
On the other hand, in the Amazon’s Great Indian Shopping Festival Xiaomi products like Redmi 4, Mi Air Purifier 2, 10000mAH Mi Powerbank 2 and Mi Band – HRX edition topped the charts in their respective categories. Xiaomi, as a brand ranked one during Flipkart’s Big Billion Day Sale as well as Amazon’s Great Indian Festival sale in the mobile category within 48 hours between September 20 to September 22.Back in August, Xiaomi announced that it had sold 5 million units of the Redmi Note 4 in six months of its launch. Priced at Rs 9,999, it was one of the highest selling smartphones in Q1 and Q2, 2017, according to IDC. The company has a record of selling 250,000 Xiaomi Redmi 4A units in four minutes on the first day of its flash sale. Apart from that, the company also announced that in 3 years of its existence in India, the company sold over 25 million smartphones.