Xiaomi launched the Mi 6 earlier this year in two storage variants – 64GB and 128GB, both of which were paired with 6GB of RAM. Now, Xiaomi has launched a more affordable variant of its flagship device that comes with 64GB internal storage and 4GB of RAM. This new variant is priced at RMB 2,299 (approximately Rs 28,100), and it will go on sale from November 11.
The new Xiaomi Mi 6 variant doesn’t bring any changes on the specifications or design front. It still features a four-sided 3D curved glass with glossy surface and a smooth finish. The frame is made of stainless steel, and has rounded edges.

Xiaomi Mi 6 specifications, features

The Xiaomi Mi 6 sports a 5.15-inch display, and is powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 SoC. For photography, there is a dual-camera setup at the back that includes a pair of 12-megapixel snappers — one wide-angle lens and one telephoto lens capable of 2X lossless zoom. On the front, there is an 8-megapixel camera for selfies and video calling. 
The Mi 6 houses a 3,350mAh battery coupled with Quick Charge 4.0, and MIUI-based optimizations. In terms of connectivity, the device has dual Wi-Fi technology and 4G support. The handset runs on Android Nougat 7.0 topped with Xiaomi’s custom MIUI OS on top. 
In the meantime, Xiaomi is rumored to launch the Mi 6C, which will be the successor to last year’s Mi 5C. The smartphone is expected to follow the current trend of a full-screen display with 18:9 aspect ratio. Reports further suggest that just like the Mi 5C was powered by Surge S1, the Mi 6C too will be powered by the new Surge S2 SoC.