FriendO is a NSFW quiz app gone viral - guruTricks


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Thursday, November 23, 2017

FriendO is a NSFW quiz app gone viral

If you are trying a social-media detox, this could kill your regime.


This one’s a complete no-no if you don’t want another reason to be hooked to your smartphone. There’s a new quiz app going viral among teens that’s definitely not suitable for work. Why? Well, because you are likely to miss your daily targets. FriendO essentially allows users to compete in “quizzes” to find out who their “real friends” are. If I may say, this is like those BuzzFeed quizzes, but only more intense.
Basically, the app has “categories” based on which friends can quiz each other. These categories include favorite foods, sports or personality traits. One after the other, users can take turns answering questions about each other, and according to how they perform, they’re ranked in an in-app leaderboard, which shows their scores. Though not available on the Indian App Store, FriendO has been topping charts in the US.
The app description on the app store reads, “See if Johnny really knows what you like to eat, or if Becca really knows your favorite sports team. Only real friends will move up each others’ FriendO ranking board!” While there are some open common categories, other can be unlocked by inviting three friends to join the app. Though, do note that the app asks for a 13 years or older age limit.
Reason why the age limit if it is aimed at the teen? Well, as Mashable reports it also has a category called “MSFK” — short for marry, sex, friend, kill. Another R-rated category, simply called “dirty,” has questions like “In bed, I am..” and “if forced to, I’d rather watch a gross porno starring…”.
It’s not clear who is behind the app. FriendO’s website is little more than a landing page with links to its iOS and Android apps, as well as terms of service. A link to the app’s blog returns an error message.