After a long wait, Samsung has finally rolled out Bixby Voice in India. Samsung Galaxy S8, Galaxy S8+, and Galaxy Note 8 users in India can use Bixby’s prime feature Voice in US English. In line with the company’s Make in India initiative, Samsung has also developed Bixby to understand different Indian accents. You can launch Bixby by pressing its button or simply say “Hi, Bixby”.
As with other virtual assistants such as Google Assistant, Siri, or Amazon Alexa, you can ask Bixby to perform certain tasks on your smartphones. Bixby also comes with Quick Commands which allows you to create custom commands for certain actions. For example, you can set “Good Night” command for a couple of tasks such as turning on the Do-not-disturb mode, setting an alarm, or turning on the blue light filter.
You can also use Bixby’s voice command to click a photo, take your selfie or capture a screenshot. In addition to this, you can also use Bixby to upload your last captured photo with a caption on social media platforms such as Facebook or Twitter. The final decision to post the selected photo will be up to you. Other than this, you can also command Bixby to send messages on apps such as Messenger and WhatsApp. In addition, you can also use Bixby to download apps from Google Play Store. 
Although Samsung managed to garner a lot of interest around Bixby, its official launch took a long time. At the time of its launch, Bixby voice was not available even in South Korea. After much effort, Samsung rolled out Bixby Voice in South Korea and the US in June and July, respectively. Later in August, Bixby Voice was rolled out in 200 countries globally. Even so, Bixby Voice is currently available in Korean and US English languages only. Samsung promises updating more languages by this year.