Facebook has a major share in the social media craze with it owning WhatsApp and Instagram. And now it seems to be working on channeling this craze all along its platform. A TNW report finds that Facebook is “running a trial that features its subsidiary WhatsApp a lot more prominently in the main app”.
Some Android users have reportedly been noticing a dedicated WhatsApp button in the main Facebook app. When clicked, the button acts like a shortcut, opening WhatsApp without the need to leave the Facebook app. This shortcut button has been seen placed in the menu area. If you happen to be one of the users in the control group, it should appear at the top, right under your name. But again, it is a test feature, so most of you will not even see it yet. Also, there is no guarantee if it will even make it as a legitimate feature, it may just die in the testing phase.
BGR India has reached out to Facebook to see if there is any confirmation about the feature. We will update this space as soon as we hear back from them.
The Facebook user who tipped TNW said that he found this WhatsApp shortcut button when he switched Facebook’s language setting to Danish. Now, this could also mean that the button is a limited rollout, considering Facebook recently launched a standalone video sharing app Bonfire, which was limited to just the Danish audience. 
This isn’t the first time Facebook has actually tried to integrate one of its app into the other. Last month, in a similar fashion, Facebook started testing a similar integration for Instagram. Some iOS users, including yours truly, could see the feature. 
Back in 2015, Facebook had tried to experiment with adding a WhatsApp send button in the Facebook app, so users could quickly share their photos and posts with contacts. But as you know now, the feature never made it to the official app.