After launching its flagship smartphones, Xiaomi is now prepping for its new batch of budget smartphones. Xiaomi is expected to launch the Redmi Note 5, and the Redmi 5 smartphones. Multiple leaks and rumors have revealed details on the Redmi Note 5 and Redmi 5 both. Now, a retail packaging of a ‘Plus’ variant of the alleged Redmi 5 has surfaced online.
The retail box is red in color, and has Redmi 5 Plus written on it, GizmoChina reports. So far, there hasn’t been any word on a possible Plus variant of the Redmi 5 smartphone. However, the leak further states that the Redmi 5 could sport a 5-inch display, and cost around RMB 899 (approximately Rs 8,900). There isn’t any known information about the Redmi 5 Plus’s specifications and features. Xiaomi is known to launch different variants of one smartphone, so this possibility seems likely. The Redmi 5 series will be succeeding the Redmi 4 and Redmi 4A.
Speaking about the Redmi Note 5, the smartphone’s details were recently leakedon Weibo. According to the leak, the Redmi Note 5 will feature a 5.5-inch full HD (1080p) display. It will be powered by the MediaTek Helio P25 octa-processor, and possibly a Snapdragon SoC in India. In terms of memory, the smartphone will come in two variants – 3GB RAM plus 32GB storage, and 4GB RAM with 64GB storage.
The Redmi Note 5 will succeed the Redmi Note 4 with the biggest upgrade so far – a dual-camera setup. The dual-camera module is rumored to include a pair of 16-megapixel and 5-megapixel sensors. Up front, it will sport a 12-megapixel camera for selfies and video calling. Armed with a 4,000mAh battery, the Redmi Note 5 will possibly run on Android 7.1 Nougat-based MIUI 9. Another upgrade expected is a USB Type-C port on the Redmi Note 5 for connectivity.